Speech Topics For An Extemporaneous Preps
Topics for an extemporaneous primer and 10 tips in case you are asked for extemp speaking and suffer from some nervousness to deliver smoothly and sensibly in a snap.
Start by coming up with your thesis statement. This is a single line summary of what your whole speech will be about.
Write it down if you can and refer back to it if you are worried you might be getting off track. |
Focus on this central statement for topics for an extemporaneous and build your other points around it. Even if you don't have time for anything else, come up with that basic thesis and stick to it like glue.
That will help you come up with cohesive extemp speaking that makes sense.
There are several different kinds of outlines for this type of public speaking on the cuff, but the most common are:
My Ten Tips to Prepare
Tip # 1 Set up your extemp to start with a good summation that grabs the attention, then state the theme in one sentence.
Tip # 2 Develop between three and five main points and make sure each one is a single, clear, self contained idea.
Tip # 3 Make sure that each one is related to your main thesis statement and that it reminds the audience what your key note point is.
Tip # 4 Make sure every point leads smoothly and sensibly into the next one - no non sequiturs here. No 'bridges' that do not make sense.
Tip # 5 All your sub points must contain new information or details not stated in the main points. Their job is to describe, explain, or otherwise support your main points. For the conclusion, don't just summarize. But also analyse and provide a judgement on each conclusion.
Tip # 6 Come back to the introduction and reinforce your thesis statement, connect the interests and needs of the audience to the theme, then go back over the major points of your speech, finishing up neatly.
Tip # 7 Stick to using simple words, and don't try to impress with complex topics for an extemporaneous. There is a bigger chance that you will end up stumbling over them or that your speech will fall flat.
Tip # 8 It's all about producing topics for an extemporaneous that get strictly to the point. If you're feeling nervous, put your hands in your pockets or on front of the table in front of you, and don't be afraid to let people know.
Tip # 9 Keep comments about your nervousness short and to the point. They will probably get a chuckle, they will understand, and you'll feel a little better.
Tip # 10 Do not go on and on, though, or stop dead. Go right to what you need to say. Conclude, restate, smile and just stick to that!
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