The Decline in Social Responsibility
by Tawhiri Gavin
(New Zealand)
Suggestion: that society is becoming less responsible for its actions and how the world is being engulfed in anger.
Sell Candy
by: Tehnae, Advertise it, be nice and use good manners, and after they buy one say 'thank you and have a nice day'. This is the method most shopkeepers learn when they take a selling technique course and I have used this as an example in one of my speech class speeches on persuasion in our selling society.
by: Ananda These steps shoud be taken for writing a public speaking about one of the best speech topics: Halloween:
1. Get paper or whatever u wont it to be made out of.
2. Get any thing you wont to put on it. (As in glitter etc.)
3. Begin decorating.
4. Show off your artistic work and link scaring people in a funny way in a speech on the decline in social responsibility.