The Decline in Social Responsibility

by Tawhiri Gavin
(New Zealand)

Suggestion: that society is becoming less responsible for its actions and how the world is being engulfed in anger.

Sell Candy
by: Tehnae,

Advertise it, be nice and use good manners, and after they buy one say 'thank you and have a nice day'. This is the method most shopkeepers learn when they take a selling technique course and I have used this as an example in one of my speech class speeches on persuasion in our selling society.

by: Ananda

These steps shoud be taken for writing a public speaking about one of the best speech topics: Halloween:
1. Get paper or whatever u wont it to be made out of.
2. Get any thing you wont to put on it. (As in glitter etc.)
3. Begin decorating.
4. Show off your artistic work and link scaring people in a funny way in a speech on the decline in social responsibility.

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by: Duscha, Vereya ,Russia

Motivate your audience to work for or to volunteer or idealistic base for a human welfare organization. Communicate the character of an altruistic person, like Bill Gates for example. Persuade people to donate money or goods for a good cause, or charity fund. In that way you could avoid the decline in social responsibility. Teach your public with motivational speech topics that the world needs generosity to fullfil the necessary social and cultural cohesion between different groups of people in society. There is a need for charity to aid poor, homelessness, or battered women so to speak. Thus, via supportings philanthropies you help to make our world a little better and socially stronger!

by: Jim admin

@ Rajesh: try my 150 Argumentative Speech Topics section.

by: Rajesh, Andhra Pradesh, India

I want a speech about political correctness.

Should 16 years old be allowed to have a tattoo?
by: Munoz, Maricopa

To young, unsanatise needles, make you look like a gang member, bad reputations.

The Bad Influences of Disney Movies...
by: Jessica, Alberta Canada

Aladin teaches you to steal.
The Lion King teaches you it's ok to run away.
And the princess teach you to be perfect to get the prince charming...
Enough arguments for a speech about this best topic!

Reality Television, Real or Fake?
by: Bailey Pickett, Kettle Corn, Texas

Good to use. I did it for my grade eight year and it turned out really well.

Study Society
by: Sayed Sadat, Afghanistan

To improve in a society to have a better definiton for our being and to build our country it is compulsory to study and learn something from some one in our society and some where else. Try to never shame in you class and every where if you shame so you cant learn in reality it keeps you unknowlege for ever. Bless me if I mistaked.

The Age of Adulthood Should Be Raised
by: Akashnee, South Africa

At 18, individuals do not have the mental capacity to make important decisions.

Will The World End in 2012?
by: Jess, Australia

How long will we last for and when will all humanity crash to a small pile?

Global Warming
by: Jorge Garcia Padilla, Seattle WA, United States

I am a person who always enjoy the nature environment,just why my concernings about the Global Warming. If, I will have the opportunity to lead any organization to protect the planet I will do it.

The first action I would like to take is, showing physical proves to all audineces, how some of the chemical products affect the air,
the water, the land, the flora, the wild-life, and specifcly the human being.

Global Warming
by: Ferg

Stop littering. Love the world as much as you love yourself. Look after gods creations.

Global Warming
by: jenny

This is a good topic people will be very interested to listen this type of discussion.

by: Anita

People would be very interested in listening at jokes.

Global Financial Crisis
by: Lord Vinanth Gowda, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

We get a lot of things to speak like the main actors who are responsible for the crisis ...

Which One is Fair?
by: Sanam, Urmia

1. Which one is fair: capital punishment or life imprisonment?
2. What kind of people are taxi drivers?
3. In what ways men are different from women?
4. Why the marriage age is delayed in most countries?
5. Is religion an essence?

New Friends
by: Nasser, Oman

Get more information about how to make a new friends an keep them with you all time.

Don't Do Family
by: Anonymous

my i dea is NOT to do it on family! they're very un-originol and no one really wants to hear about them because always atleast one person does a family oral in each class (same with pets!!)

Black Juice
by: Miriam

Have you ever been left out of a group discussion conversation? Have your friends left you and continued with their life? If that situation hasn?t happened, you don?t know what it feels like. It?s too emotional and if they were your friend for almost a year it?s painful. We had talks, laughs and sometimes tears (from laughter). Then it all went wrong. Good Morning/afternoon fellow classmates, my topic today is Black Juice.

How to Overcome Poverty?
by: Vash

Poverty is the main reason why people are suffering from malnutrision, poor education, and even some commited suicide because of it. So, how to overcome poverty? Are we to blame in it? Or the goverment itself?

by: Clarissa

Does beautiful music influence change on people.

Public's Consciousness
by: Steven

Yes, good idea, but first of all; how do we measure the lack of social responsibility and the the public's consciousness?

What to Do?
by: Ellen

A close variant of this top sample is: What to Do About The Decline in Social Responsibility? Alternative suggestion, based on the theory that something can be done to change some policies and values.

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