The Audience Age Is An Important Factor

by Georgia
(Lexington-Fayette, KY)

The age of the people who are listening is a big factor for creating conversational material, because older listeners can take more stuff during one best than younger ones can. Also, older listeners can have more information thrown at them than younger ones can. With younger listeners - kids - you are going to want to tone down the language that you use so they can understand you. With older listeners, you might want to change the slang or some of the words that you are using so THEY can understand the best possible speech topic.

Either way you will need to change the things that you are saying because of who you are speaking to. Therefore, you want to consider the age.

As any should know, the point at which one loses one?s audience is when audience participation is minimal, and that is usually when one is laying the dry, bare bones of the first draft.

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by: Henry

Analyzing the audience is a must for motivational public speakers who want to capture the attention and the need to listen and agree with the premises your verbal statement. The question How to have a good presentation is going to be answered with starting to write down all you information you can get about your public. Do not hesitate and read all the better short guides on this site. They will help you step by step with the speech writing or even essay writing process. Hear, hear! We say in the United Kingdom!

by: Zoe Carter

My public speaking skills tip is simple: use gestures and other non verbal language. This will help:
1. To overcome your fear of public speaking anxienty.
2. To communicate your central idea mor effective.
3. To prevent your audience members to fall asleep. :-) The last one of course is meant for late afternoon hours...

Speech Topics
by: Will

You should not only meet the tasks verbs your instructor has given you but als must be needed or wanted by the listeners. That is the key to develop and imporve successful and effective public speaking and communication skills. These are my thoughts about the relevancy of the whole idea that is dealt with on this very good help site. Thank you Jim, as a teacher I think you have created a good resource for my high school students.

What Do They Think
by: Francesca, Alaska,US

Keep in mind what your public thinks you are going to tell and argue to them. How do they look towards your speech topics - are thy in for some change of mind, or do they want you to esthablish and strenghten them in the opinions they already have? What is theit knowlegde about the subject? Are there any black holes you can fill in - new insights, thoughts and view points? That could be the surplus of your public speaking speech class efforts.

by: Ginna

How to swim the backstroke, or write a 3 page easay about Anne Frank. Your audience can learn from both of them.

by: Kim, Gergia

Sure the age and backgrounds of the audience are important factors for speech topics ideas!

Sign Language
by: Jill

You can do a show on the alphebet and numbers and a sentence in A.S.L. Especially for an audience with deaf and hearing-impaired people.

Nervous About Speech Class
by: Bebi Ali, Jamaica

Have a fear of public speaking phobia to introduce my self ... get all sweaty.

Funny Stuff
by: Brittany, Valdese

I think funny stuff is awesome to talk in class.

The Audience and Your Best Speech Topic Idea
by: Sena

Here's my neat little checklist for public speakers:

1. What does the audience know about your topic?
2. What is their age and education?
3. Why are they are coming to listen to you?
4. What are their needs in case of a problem solution idea?
5. Can you specify their needs, can you make them tailor made?
6. What do they must know about your best speech topic idea according to you?
7. What do they expect from you lecture?

Audience Analysis
by: Ranjana

Sure, audience analysis is vital for finding the neat ones.

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