4 Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas and Framework

Persuasive speech topic ideas on poverty, teacher performance, wildfires and energy drinks and examples of the main points for this authentic public speaking set ups: 

Poverty Is Close Related to Education.
  1. Bad education causes poverty problems.
    1. Children don't succeed in gaining work that would help them to achieve a better life.
    2. They drop out of school.
  2. Poverty affects opportunities.
    1. Kids are kept from school because they have to work to earn extra money.
    2. Cope with learning disabilities in elementary or high school.
  3. Study achievements of poor children are often lower than kids from financial healthy homes.
    1. They are not able to perform well in reading and writing.
    2. They are hold back a grade.
    3. Suspension and expelling.

Other educational persuasive speech topic ideas are about good and bad high school teachers:

Teachers Can Not Be Paid On Performance.
  1. Judging or assessing teachers is subjective.
    1. Hardly any measurable targets in social sciences for student development.
    2. How to measure the teacher's personal developments?
    3. In some fields there are no standardized test scores.
  2. Rewarded payment:
    1. How are good teachers paid?
    2. And what about salary caps for instructors who perform less well than expected?
  3. Performance pay is legally impossible.
    1. Not permitted in state laws.
    2. Obstructed in teacher contracts.

Many people have fear of public speaking. But they also are afraid of wildfies ... Tell them - better: sell them - your vindications about responding and fighting fires in nature. I have written a few pointers for a possible way to outline your comments:

How to Respond Wildfires Caused By Humans.
  1. How wildfires are caused by humans:
    1. Cigarettes.
    2. Electric sparks from barbecues.
  2. Impact:
    1. On biological diversity.
    2. Property damage.
  3. Prevention:
    1. Education by warning signs.
    2. Patrols in areas at risk of wildfires.
    3. Remove dead plant material.
  4. Fire-fighting:
    1. Spraying water and foam in surrounding areas to stop wildfires spreading.
    2. Air-drops with water from rivers, lakes, sea, mixed with fire-retardant chemicals.
    3. Creating fire-lines.
    4. Evacuation.
    5. Declaration of the state of emergency in order to get federal aid.

      Frances Rodman Author on the back and front of communication on beginning persuasive speech topic ideas and ending them
Rodman challenges us all :-) So, how do you want to begin persuasive speech topic ideas about health related issues? I have framed a dummy:

The Cons of Caffeine Energy Drinks.
  1. Ingredients:
    1. Full of caffeine.
    2. Lots of sugar and sodium that can damage your teeth and protective enamel.
    3. Sometimes ingredients like guarana or taurine.
  2. It's expensive compared to the amount of water in the bottles or cans.
  3. You can get addicted to those energy drinks.
  4. To much caffeine could:
    1. Cause a racing heart beat.
    2. Cause blood pressure elevation.
    3. Make arteries age.