
by Badara Alou Coulibaly
(Dekalb, Illinois)

Drive a manual car.

Creep People Out
by: Brooke, IL

1. Stare at them when their head is turned and then keep staring.
2. Sing the Fredy Song in a low voice in a dark room.
3. Follow them and act like it is nothing.
4. Say random facts such as did you the F Word really means ...
5. Scream for god knows what reason.
6. Breath heavly on them (make sure you just brushed your teeth.)
7. Finialy asked the person if they are creeped out and if yes you have done well.

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Nice Mix Proposal
by: Poli

Thanks for sharing the outline above! i liked it very much and hope you understand thta i will use it when it is my time to cme forward woth some mixed input if my teacher wants to have us talked on a subject. Me personally like the psychology behong some of the transite steps, you take them from one point to another by the hand. Just like a personal coach in some studies on our campus and college study program use to do.

Perhaps i will ask one of them for advice in training-coaching matters related to the patterned plan you suggested. What i have learned as a pupil of my coaches is mixing game, fun and theory in one basket melting pot. Learning skills, applying the new stuff in practical situations and spreading the knowledge by showing others how they could do the same as you, with the same perfect results.

Anyway, wat i wil do next time i have to compete in a school competition is applying ststemstically the wordings of your proposal. If you succeed in convincing me and my friends, i can do the same thing with my teaching friends ... I wil let you know if things worked out as i have them in mind. Keep in touch with you - keep you posted ;-)

Prepare For a New Puppy
by: Sandra, AL

Make sure you have a nice place for him to live, such as a dog house with a puppy bed, in a fence to make sure he doesn't get out. Make sure you have puppy food, recomended by your veternairian. Things you will also need: a collar, a lesh, a pooper scooper to keep his new home clean, dog bones for teething and for healthy teeth, a dog brush, to keep his coat well groomed, flea shampoo to keep him clean and free from fleas, a food bowl,a water bowl, buring it the ground at least half way, will prevent turning the water over in case the puppy is left alone for periods of time during the day or afternoon break.

You don not want him to go without water especially in the summer months nor frozen water during the winter. Get the puppy some toys to play with and some treats to reward him with. Make sure you have a blanket or towel with your sent on it, after you have got aquanted with him this should be put in his new house, it will prevent him from crying all night since its his first home away from mom.

Now that you are ready for your new pet, it's time to first take him to the vet, and then you will be all set.

by: Zara, Salem

I want to tell about my perspective of photography.

by: Casey, Paterson

* They are fun to play with.
* You can talk to them and they would not say anything to you.
* The are sweet.
* They cry all the time if you do not watch out:-).

by: Estrella, Greely

Stop thinking of the man or woman you like to dat with on the campus bar.

My Speech Topics
by: Ebony, Newzealand

schools and admission procudures

Love Conquers Everything
by: Jim

Here are some ingredients for the Body part of a speech to demonstrate that love conquers everything; three main points of a cycle you can elaborate on any further for, lets say, a three minute talk:

Title: Love Conquers Everything

Main Point I
With love, the impossible becomes possible.

a. Love make us think positive in life;
b. We are able to face the challenges in our lives;
c. We send out positive signals to other people;
d. And that makes them willing to help us to achieve things that seem impossible at first sight.

Main Point II
Love is the only universal language.

a. Love requires no words to understand each other;
b. It goes far beyond any geographic boundary;
c. It unites people from different cultures and backgrounds;
d. And therefore it can be a major factor in solving world problems.

Main Point III
Love and happiness go hand in hand.

a. When we send and receive love it makes us happy.
b. That will lead to more positive signals;
c. More personal achievements;
d. More helpful and thankful people;
e. More universal understanding;
f. Therefore more hapiness;
g. And that is closing the circle!

Read this for the Introduction part.

And I recommend you strongly to read this all over again for formulating a tough Conclusion.

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