Know Who Your Audience Is

by Cecil Margaret

It is better to know your audience, for you to have a flash what is coming up in your mind. What to deliver? And what advice to offer?

Teach The Macarena!
by: Kaelyn, Colorado

Have all stand up and then teach them step by step the mocorina! They will love it,then turn on the music and dance! :) All forms of teaching dancing steps could serve as hooks, as long as you know who the are and what music style they like.

Background Check
by: Britney, Taiwan

My tip is: do a good background check of your listeners, and study the results. See the patterns of the things they want, like and are willing to discuss. Than you can tell them, show them and persuade them of the truth of your facts, values and policies.

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by: Ismail Sherwani, Lahore, Pakistan

I want to take best speech ideas in Urdu with Iqbals quotes. E.g. Art: If the object of poetry is, to make men, then poetry is the heir of prophecy.

Unconditional Attention
by: Alberta, GA

Know who your audience is, is an old saying that regards in my point of view on the way you look to your listeners. Sure, their backgrounds, school, work, and lifestyle are good for writing the best speech topics. But on the other hand, revealing and addressing their problems, pains and fears are the keys to get their unconditional attention.

Tie a Tie
by: Jose, New York

Pick a memember of the audience and perform how to tie a tie on them and explain that it is important for men and women to know how to do this. Women should know because one day they would have a husband or a child and they can assist them in tieing their ties. Men should know so that when and occasion comes up it can be easy for them to dress up with a tie.

Social Networking Good or Bad?
by: Cameron, FL

My idea was that you could state the pros and cons of social neworking. Ex: Pro - A way to communicate while having fun,and being social. Con - Some sites are unsafe, cyber-bullying can stir up online.

Audience Analysis
by: Jim

@Cecil: Interesting question you raise. I will advice you to read my tutorial How to Analyse Your Audience. In the opinion of every expert this should be the first step before you choose and develop a rough list of possibilities.

Everyone starts with analyzing his listeners or - in case of a classroom - the needs and interests of the students, and the assignment requirements of the teacher or instructor.

If you have yourself worked trough my Five Step Strategy Secrets, than you finally make the circle round. The fifth point to consider is your own level of background knowledge and the education level of those on the seats.

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