Graduation speeches topics checklist including the just do's and the sure do nots of writing and delivering your commencement address. My neat tip: check the checkboxes while checking :-) BE GENUINE Do not try too hard to do your best. Keep it simple, as you would like to hear it yourself. Instead of putting on a typical image, be genuine and unpretentious. CLICHES Avoid using clichéd beginnings and endings. SPONTANEOUS Make it, and be spontaneous. VIP Remember to address any important individual that may be present at the ceremony, if you have to. STRUCTURE Keep to the structure that you have prepared. Otherwise, it can tend to become tedious. LENGTH Do not make it unnecessarily lengthy. Time keeper! SIMPLE WORDS Use simple words to formulate your graduation speeches topics. Avoid hyperbolic language. COMMENTING Avoid commenting on race or any political issues that may spark arguments. Do not make personal comments. CONTROVERSIAL Do not bring up any controversial speech ideas. SHARE INCIDENTS Remember the past and share some witty incidents that may have happened to you back in the days. SHARE STORIES Do not be afraid of sharing an embarrassing personal story. FUN Make it funny, instead of awkward. However, be funny, but not stupid. TONE Do not adapt a condescending tone with the audience. Respect views and beliefs. GOODWILL Mention current affairs if you want to send a message of goodwill. IMPROMPTU Although it is advisable to have an impromptu talk, only take the risk of doing so if you are confident. The most efficient orator may have cold feet while delivering text lines at a formal gathering. There is no harm in preparing a guideline for yourself. INTERESTING Have a lot of things to talk about instead of sticking to single graduation speeches topics. This helps you making the address more interesting. Otherwise, it can start to sound like a drag. OUTFIT Wear an appropriate outfit for the occasion. It is a formal ceremony. Your give off an air of carelessness and disregard. |