Getting to Know Myself Better

by Lavon Straker

This idea of Lavon is some sort of a primer for motivational or inspirational on personal experiences. Here is what he send in:

In getting to know myself, i constantly ask "who am I?" That is a question yet to answer - best speech topics yes! I know i am a straightforward person who respect others opinion. I know i am passionate about my education. I know i cherish friendship, i love myself in the way i should, i donot care of what people thinks of me and my favorite quote in life is where there is a will there is a way.

by: Coolandria, United States

Bake brownies, play soccer, type, talk, write cute, do a graphic organizer, take car of a rabbit, draw a car, prepare a juicy apple pie, survive a blizzard, moves for dances, admit to a spelling contest, get good grades, dribble a ball, shoot a basketball, play defense, play basketball, get an email adress, get a facebook account, put on your clothes, tie a shoe, koolaid, a pb&j sandwich, sharpen a pencil, shut a door, avoid to break your finger in a locker, pen a locker, put on a jacket, take a landscape picture, eat french cheesse, eat tacos, eat shrimp, ask someone out, slowdance, put up your hair for proms, sleep for getting to know myself better ...

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Job Interviewing
by: Miriam-Janet

What are the most demiurgic contrivances to emphasize your credentials in the best breezing light? The dresscode, the language, the motivation for applying on the function of your dreams? The most destinguishing proposals and the overwhelming corollaries your interviewers or expert-assessors will draw. Any friendly tips for newbies on the tough job market?

by: Aaron, New Mexico

Take a mirror, and tell what you see. This is an old psychologist technique to let a person tell about her or himself in a frank way. It can be very confronting, hence the fact that there are more personal and private online tests you can explain and reveal.

Me & Myself
by: snetha lara,Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh ,India

We live for our self and we eat for you self. But only for our enjoyment we make friends, have parties, if we dont like will we do? No ways, for a while think with our heart u will know our own importance find our self great. never degrade u r self. You're on earth to help others and attain a place in the heaven or in gods heart. Try to never hurt others for our use, never make others sad.

Things to do:
Bee happy and make others happy.
Try to spend time with mother earth (mainly plants)
Be kind with dum creatires (animals).
Try to spemd time with yourself.
Be with silence feel your self with you.

Speech Quotes
by: Shankar, Mumbai

Use your college friends speech quotes and sayings to comment and talk about in speech class. You can not imagine what beauty some words of wisdom can bear in itself. Examine them, judge them and talk about in in a 4 or 5 minute presentation. Sort out three to five quotes and make them your main points. Because your selection reveals yourself ...

by: Yara, Seatle, Washington Sate

Tests about your personality are great sources. You can make them interactive by asking them to vote and crrespond accordingly. Many tests has quality questions you can mix in your communication presentation. Spice thing a bit upwith some facts and figures about applied psychology theories and there you are!

by: Alvin, Nepal

Honor your brother. That is one of the best I can think of regarding familiy matters. You could talk about: he loves me a lot, fulfills my demands, think for my betterment, cares for me, and thinks about my secure future. You can read for brother and 'he' sister or 'she' too if you like to speechwriting about a relative who has done a lot for you.

by: Andrea

Teach them the way to discover their own true singing voice. Singing and dancing are real chart-busters. Best advice is to contact a coach for natural singing voice and ask him to make a small checklist. You can use powerpoint slides and video and audio if you like to deepen a bit if you want to help them getting to know myself better.

Deja Vu
by: Sab

Have you ever heard of it? Deja vu is when you feel like something has happend before. There can be many ways you can go with this speech topic, but remember to have an interesting introduction. When a person is listening, usually they decide in the first few seconds if they would like to listen to it. Also read with a lot of expression!

The Truth About Christianity
by: Cheyenne Garrett, Waterford, MI

To inform people about the actual meaning of being a christian.

St. Mary's Church
by: Joan, Michigan

It is a spirtual place were all the most important events of my life took place.

Self Introduction
by: Vishal Verma, Rewari

An example outline for a self introduction or elevator pitch:
My name is: Vishal
About my family members' background:
My father works at:
My mother is:
My Personal Goal in Life:
Good point:
Bad point:

by: Shakira, Indonesia

Leaving the company after 22 years working. It's not easy to leave a company that used to be nice,warm atmosphere. I have to keep moving to take a chance out there which I can find a happier life.
Wish all my best friends in this company a success and keep fighting for the nice results after my farewell address!

Loving Yourself First
by: poloko felbrook

Before you start to claim that you love other people, start by loving and taking care of youself first. Then you can say that you love other people and they will love you back.

Love Is Not Blind
by: Anonymous

Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.

Good ______ to each and every one of you, to my fellow student, Mr. Mark.

Well Rabbi Julius Gordon once says and I quote "Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less."
Here is a very enchating fact, whenever we see some weird or mismatched couple, like a very attractive girl and a geeky guy, or a hot guy with a nerdy or not-so-attractive girl, we often say that "love is really blind", but in my opinion it really is not.

Whenever we love someone, we above all other people tend to see their flaws. We are the first one to notice that this certain person bites his nails, or he tend to raise his voice whenever his mad. Maybe it?s due to the fact that when we love someone we tend to observe their each and every move, intentionally or unintentionally. We know and are completely aware of his bad habits; we just ignore or rather accept it.

I guess its part of loving someone in my own opinion you can not really say that you love certain when you don?t accept his or her flaws, or even when you can?t see a single one. You can only say that you are in-love when its all clear to you, when like a magic you can see all his/ her flaws and still feel that it?s okay and still deeply and madly in-love.

So for every one of you who has special someone, you are really lucky when you can see his/her flaws but still accepts it or when you are being accepted, it only means that you are in-love. So once again good______.

Happy LOVE MONTH everyone.

by: Diana, Armenia; Yerevan

Peace, the most vital Goodness in the world. Let's create Peaceful conditions for all of us, especially for our minor generation! Let's make truly Healthy and Happy Society!


by: Maria Hewett, Hudson, Fl , USA

They are always grounding us. We could look around and say the wrong thiing and they say your grounded. I think they should chill out give us a break. We already have stress well I do anyways. Cant they just relax and let us have some fun atleast come on they were kids to at once .... not done. But this is my idea.

by: Shanequa

Save the drama for your llama!

Coca Cola vs. Pepsi war
by: Leo, Canada

The media war between Coca Cola and Pepsi. Another sugestion abut soda drinks.

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