20 Extemporaneous Topic Ideas
6. Bailouts and have prevented that our economy become worse in current and future times. 7. Does Europe rely too much on Russian gas petrol fuel sources? 8. Must all college and university textbooks also be available in easy to update and cheaper electronic ebook versions? 9. Why releasing Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi from a Scottish prison is an insult of the relatives of the Lockerbie victims. 10. The government of India should advocate for a nationwide census; regarding the population growth?
11. Should the African Union nations and organizations end direct military aid to the Transitional Federal Government? 12. Why we should not be afraid of the Swine Flue and trust on the precautions. 13. How former vice president Dick Cheney breaks the tradition of being not critical towards a new Washington administration. 14. Pre-existing conditions may never be a reason to to deny coverage by insurance companies. 15. Or choose the opposite side for an extemporaneous topic : Bailouts will cost us, the taxpayers, in the end mucht more? 16. Should we accept a sky-high federal budget deficit number? 17. Why church ministers should have lifelong, monogamous, stable relationships. 18. The three pillars of a labor union: higher salaries, secondary benefits and job security. 19. Will freshwater supply to millions become the next huge world problem besides the global warming issue? 20. Does marijuana has a therapeutic and medicinal value for cancer patients? |