20 Descriptive Speech Topics on Places
Descriptive speech topics for students and Toastmaster International public speakers who struggle with finding descriptive writing topics. These places on earth are sometimes a slightly unknown and uncommon for holiday trips. Describe them with compelling facts while speechwriting:
* History * Colonization - if appropriate * Independency conflicts and wars * Geography * Government and political parties * Military * Foreign relations * Official languages * Currency* Demographics and population * Media, arts and culture * Flags and symbols * National traditions * Sports events * Nature and climate
I start this list of descriptive speech topics on places, countries and islands with the southeastern European Balkan country Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Adriatic Sea and bordering Croatia.
The southern African Comoros group of atolls, keys and barrier reefs in the Indian Ocean, actually to be more precise: in the Mozambique Channel.
The subtropical Florida Everglades in the Southern state of Florida, bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Plenty of things to tell.
The Middle East coastal Gaza Strip between Egypt and Israel, ruled by the Palestinian National Authority. Egypt, also a
good source for descriptive speech topics on places - ad than I mean the past and present: the ancient era is often chosen, but do you agree that the last years there is so much change there that you could wrapping up that turbulent period too?
The special administrative region of Hong Kong in the South China Sea, of the People's Republic of China. The changes in the contemporary history are good groundwork.

The Greater Antilles of Jamaica in the Caribbean Sea, northeast of Central America and south of Cuba. Spellbinding cultural spots on the maps. What is the distinctness between this archipelago and the Royal Netherlands Antilles?
Landlocked between the Alp countries Austria and Switzerland in Europe: the alpine mini-state Liechtenstein in Central Europe.
The Marshall of Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean.
The hundreds of isles forming the Federated States of Micronesia in the North Pacific Ocean. Have you ever been there?
The constitutional monarchy of the Netherlands in western Europe, located at the North Sea, between Belgium and Germany.
The Western African São Tomé and Principe islands in the Gulf of Guinea, west of Gabon's coast.
The Slovak Republic in Central Europe, south of Poland, east of the Czech Republic and Austria, west to Ukraine and north to Hungary. Formerly it was called Czech-Slovakia, what happened, and when and why?
The archipelo of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea.
The Southern African Kingdom of Swaziland, in between Mozambique and South Africa.
The Republic of Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean, near from Hawaii and Australia.
The landlocked Vatican City state in of Rome, Italy, governed by the Pope. By the way, you know, the reign of the Holy Father and his Roman Catholic Church could also be seen as descriptive speech topics for a talk. Let your imagination flow ...
The Palestinian Middle East West Bank territory east to Israel.
The Western Sahara in Northern Africa, between Mauritania and Morocco.
Middle East Yemen in the tip of the Arabian Peninsula along the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Red Sea.
The Southern African nation of Zambia, west to Angola, south to Congo, west to Malawi.
Of course, only if you can find interesting ideas for speechwriting based on the hints I gave on top of this page, it's worth to develop and elaborate on these examples of descriptive speech topics: